  • Born in Hong Kong in 1963

  • With experience on etching for over 30 years

  • Became a founding member of the Hong Kong Exlibris Association in 1989 

  • Has created more than 200 etching prints and exlibris, winning awards and having exhibitions in many countries 































。捷克 HAVIFOV 藏書票

。意大利 BOSCO STREGATO 第二屆國際藏書票展(木的奇妙和魔力

15 款書票參展德國 GALERIE ART IM TREIPEN HAUS 共有 23 個國家藝術家參

。第四屆奧地利 BRATISLAVA 三年展
。及第三十屆 FISAE






。第二屆意大利 TOWN OF BODIO LOMNAGO 國際書票比賽「神話與傳說」 獲邀請參展西方繪畫“ETCHING LETS SHARE”「香港藝術界慶祝香港回歸八週年


。拉脫維亞 UTENA「天使和鳥」書票比賽


。第六屆波蘭 GLIWICE 國際藏書票

。入編台灣全球華人藝術創作發表協會 2005 年創作年


  • Etching print “Follow Suit” selected by the “10th National Prints Exhibition of the Republic of China”, Taiwan
  • Etching print “Follow Suit” selected by the “Hong Kong Urban Council Contemporary Art Biennial Exhibition”, Hong Kong
  • Etching print “Follow Suit” collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong



  • Exlibris “Jade Buckle I and II” (#AM1 and #AM2) and “Blue and White Procelain I, II and III” (#AM3 to #AM5) selected in “Hong Kong Exlibris Association - Members’ Works Collection” 



  • Etching print “Autumn Village Road” and “Follow Suit” collected by Heilongjiang Provincial Museum of Art, China
  • Etching print “Autumn Village Road” awarded Special Prize in “4th National Printmaking Exhibition, China
  • Etching print “To Somewhere Else” selected in “4th National Printmaking Exhibition, China
  • Published 1st exlibris album



  • Exlibris exhibited in Oriental Exlibris section in Slovenia
  • Jade Buckle I” (#AM 1) selected in “XIV Miedzynarodowe Biennale Ekslibrisu Wspotczesnego”, Malbork, Poland
  • Published 2nd exlibris album
  • Published 3rd exlibris album of 33 exlibris (#J1 to #J33), 100 edition each, for 32 Japanese exlibris collectors, commissioned by a Japanese exlibris promoter



  • Etching print “House and Bamboo” selected in “International Exhibition Small Graphic forms”, qualified for Lódz Biennale, Mate Formy Grafiki, Polska Lódz, Poland
  • Exlibris selected in “5th Biennial Exhibition”, Museum of the Town of Ostrow, Polski, Poland





  • Exlibris “Bird VII and VIII” (#27 and #28) selected in the “5thChina National Exlibris Exhibition”, China
  • Two exlibris “Bird VII and VIII” (#27 and #28) collected permanently by Chinese Printmaking Exlibris Committee, China
  • Published 4th exlibris album “Exlibris of Classic Flower



  • Exlibris “Floral XIII” (#13) selected in “6th Biennial Exhibition”, Museum of the Town of Ostrow Polski, Poland
  • Exlibris “Floral XIII” (#13) selected in “Belbrade Exlibris Circle”, Yugoslavia



  • Exlibris “Floral XIV” (#14) selected in 26th FISAE congress, Chrudim, Czech
  • Exlibris “String instrument pi-pa” (#74) created for an Austrian collector



  • Exlibris “Floral XVI” (#16) selected in “97 Collection of Exlibris Hongkong Invitation Exhibition – World Peace and Friendship”, Hong Kong
  • Exlibris “Wedding Gift” (#41a) selected in A.I.E.& Pro Loco of Roccal-begna (Gosseto-Tuscany), Italy



  • Exlibris “Clock Tower” (#45) selected in Exlibris selected in “27th FISAE congress”, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Exlibris “Wedding Gift” (#41a) selected in “Brunico Graphics Museum of Art Exlibris Exhibition”, Italy
  • Exlibris “Owl” (#75) created for a Belgium collector












  • A set of four etching prints “Hong Kong Scenery I to IV” collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum
  • Exlibris “Crystal Penguins“ (#46) selected in “L’exlibris Italiano” A.I.E., Italy
  • Exlibris “For Friendship” (#47 to #50) a set of four selected in “Asia Exlibris Exhibition”, Taiwan
  • Etching print “Follow Suit” was sold through a charity auction
  • Exlibris “Emperor’s robe” (#76) created for a Japanese collector
  • Exlibris “Owner, dogs and castle” (#77) created for the Belgium collector the second time
  • Exlibris “Ginko leaf with frame” (#78) created for a German collector
  • Exlibris “Viola odarata” (#79) created for another German collector








  • Exlibris “150 Anniversary Kalevala” (#85), one of the 12 exlibris of the “2002 Album”, selected in the Kalevala-themed competition, Finnish Exlibris Association, Finland
  • Exlibris “Ting Kau Bridge” (#88), another of the 12 exlibris of the “2002 Album”, selected in 28th FISAE congress, Boston, USA
  • Exlibris “Blue & White Porcelain – Snuff Bottle” (#64), “Wedding Gift” (#41a), “Clock Tower” (#45),  “Floral XIV” (#14) and two of the “For Friendship” (#47 and #50) selected in the “Gems of Exlibris from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan”, Hong Kong
  • Exlibris “Blue & White Porcelain – Snuff Bottle” (#64) selected in the “6th Taiwan County Exlibris Exhibition” and published in “Art Feast
  • Exlibris “Fun of study” (#80) created for a Swiss collector
  • Two exlibris “Rose and cat” (#81) and “A good harvest” (#83) created for a German collector
  • Another exlibris “Snuff bottle” (#82) created for the Austrian collector the second time











  • Exlibris “Central Library” (#66) selected in “Int Exlibris Exhibition” to commemorate the grand opening of the Central Library, Hong Kong
  • Exlibris “Central Library” (#66) selected in “Concorso Internazionale Di Exlibris Varese 2002”, Italy
  • Exlibris “Viola odarata” (#79) selected in “19th International Exhibition of Modern Exlibris” in Malbork, Poland
  • Exlibris “Central Library” (#66) selected in “International Exlibris Competition on Biblophilism”, Italy
  • Exlibris “A good harvest” (#83) selected in 29th FISAE Congress in Frederikshvn, Denmark
  • Published 5th exlibris album “HUNG OI YEE MALOU Exlibris Album 2002”
































  • Exlibris “Sailor and boats” (#97) created for a German collector
  • Exlibris “Chinese Narcissus” (#98) created for another German collector
  • Exlibris “A Good Harvest” (#83) selected in “10th Int. Biennale Exhibition of Small Forms”, Poland
  • Exlibris “Blue & White Porcelain – Snuff Bottle” (#64) selected in “Exlibris Collection Pour Le Mušee De La Ville De Bruneck Stadtmuseum Bruneck”, the Brunico Graphics Museum of Art, Italy
  • A set of 7 exlibris “Isaiah I-VII” (#67 to #73) selected in “International Exlibris Competition Sint – Niklass”, Belgium
  • Exlibris “Ivory Carving of Shou Lao” (#63) selected in “1stInternational Exlibris Competition and Exhibition”, Ankara, Turkey
  • Two exlibris “Paper Window I & II” (#99 and #100) created for two German collectors
  • Exlibris “Guilin” (#101) created for a German collector
  • Exlibris “Guilin” (#101) selected in “1st International Exlibris Competition”, Bodio Lomnago (VA) Italy
  • Exlibris “Dragon Kite” (#102) created for the German collector the second time
  • Exlibris “Blue & white pottery” (#103) created for a German collector
  • Exlibris “Wine & grape” (#104) created for a Danish collector
  • Exlibris “Madam Butterfly” (#105) created for a Belgium collector
  • Exlibris “Owner, Dogs and Castle” (#77) awarded the Silver Prize in the “10th National Exlibris Competition & Exhibition”, China
  • Exlibris “Isaiah III” (#69) awarded the Sponsor’s Prize at “International Exlibris Center Sofia”, Bulgaria
  • Exlibris “Dragon Kite” (#102), “Paper Window I” (#99) and “Fun of Study” (#80) awarded Medal and Honored Prize in the “5th International Exlibris Graphic Contest” Poland







  • Exlibris “The fantastic and magic wood I and II” (#107 and #108) selected in the “II Bosco Stregato 2004”, Italian international competition, Italy
  • Exlibris “Madam Butterfly” (#105) selected in “Project of Realization Graphic Exhibition 2004–2006“ in Haviřov, Czech
  • 15 exlibris exhibited together with other artists from 23 countries at Galerie Art im Treipen Haus, Germany
  • Exlibris “A Good Harvest” (#83) selected in “4th Triennial Exlibris in Bratislava” and the 30th FISAE Congress in Wels, Austria
  • Galant” (#96) selected in “The Cream of Exlibris by Chinese Artists”, compiled by the Hong Kong Exlibris Association, Hong Kong
  • Etching print “Rose with Water” selected in the 3rd Graphic International Biennial “Aqua”, exhibited in Catalan city of Sant Carles de la Rápita, Spain and then in Francavilla al Mare, Italy
  • Exlibris “Suzhou garden” (#109) created for the German collector the second time
































  • Etching print “Queen’s Road” selected in “Graphic and Exlibris” Exposition 7th Edition Casale Monferrato, Italy
  • Exlibris “Madam Butterfly” (#105) selected in “Fairy Tales & Legends”, 2nd Int. Exlibris Competition, Town of Bodio Lomnago, Italy
  • Invited to participate in “Etching Let’s Share” organized by “Hong Kong Artists for the 8th Anniversary of the Commemoration of the Return of Hong Kong Extravaganza”, Hong Kong
  • Exlibris “Angel & Bird I and II” (#110 and #111) selected in the theme “Angel and Bird”, Utena , Lithuania
  • Exlibris “Snail as Antidote” (#113) selected in “11th National Exlibris Exhibition” of China
  • Exlibris “Rosewood Chair II” (#108) selected in the “VI Int. Graphic Competition for Exlibris” with theme “The fantastic and magic wood”, Gliwice, Poland
  • Exlibris “Angel & Bird I” (#110) selected in the “11th Int. Biennial of Small Graphics and Exlibris”, Ostrơw Wielkopolski, Poland
  • Exlibris “Tanjithe Last Woman of Shang Dynasty” (#114), won the 14th place and awarded honourable status in the “Int. Competition of the 4th Triennial in Haviřov, Gallant and Erotic Works, Czech; subsequently collected by Mr. George Sekine, former president of Nippon Exlibris Association, who also owns other exlibris volumes by Malou 
  • Etching print “Rose with Water” reported in the Taiwan annual year book on global Chinese artists, Taiwan
  • Exlibris “Gubernijain 2005” (#112) selected in the international competition of “Exlibris Gubernijain 2005” and exhibited in Siauliai Art Gallery, Lithuania




























  • Awarded a diploma in the 5th International/Bienal of Exlibris “Snail as antidote” (#113) Mexico; the exlibris wasexhibited in the “Instituto Zacatecano de Cultura Ramón López Velarde” and other significant places, Mexico
  • Etching print “Hunter and Dog I” selected in the “International/Exlibris Competition XI Winter Paralympic Games”, Italy
  • Personal profile reported in the Portuguese published “Contemporary International/Exlibris Artists” vol 7, by the well known exlibris expert, Artur Mario da Mota Miranda, Portugal
  • Etching print “Rose with Water” selected for “II Int Print Exhibition”, MSGGÜ Tophane-I Amire Art Centre Tophane, Turkey
  • Exlibris Gubernijain 2005” (#112) awarded a diploma in Liuben Karavelov, Bulgaria
  • A set of 4 exlibris (#CM1, #CM2, #CM4 and #CM5) selected & exhibited in international exlibris contest “Ceramics mus of Vytautas Valiušis in Leliunal”, organized by K. Klemo Art Fund, Utena Regional Museum, Lithuania
  • Exlibris “Exlibris Gubernijain 2005” (#112) selected in “Gabinetto Disegnie Stampe of the Santa Croce sull’ Arno Commune, and exhibited in Florence, Italy
  • Exlibris “Black Manner” (#115) created for a Danish collector
  • Exlibris “Black Manner” (#115) received the Honorary Award in “75 Anniversary of Modern Chinese Printmaking & 70th Anniversary of Lu Hsun”, China
  • Exlibris “Peony in the courtyard” (#116) created for the German collector the third time






































  • Personal exhibition in world largest exlibris museum, Frederikshavn Art Museum (95 exlibris), with a book published in Danish, English and German by Mr Claus Wittal of Exlibris-Antikvariat Denmark
  • All exlibris permanently collected by the Frederikshavn Art Museum and offered the priviledge of Honorary Member
  • The only Hong Kong artist invited to participate in the Taiwan “Year of the Pig 2007” design, exhibition in Tainan City Cultural Centre, Taiwan
  • Included in the section on master artists in exlibris, “The 13rd Taipei County Art Festival and International Exlibris Exhibition 2007”  
  • Invited by Chimei Cultural Fund Foundation and Taiwan Exlibris Association to deliver a 2-day demonstration on etching techniques in Taiwan
  • Exlibris “Snuff Bottles I and II” (#121 and #122) awarded the First Level Award by unanimous decision of jury at the “12th National Exlibris Exhibition”, China
  • Snuff Bottles II” (#122) also selected in the “7th Int. Graphic Competition for Exlibris”, Gliwice, Poland
  • Exlibris “The Great Wall” (#126) awarded the Memorial Prize at the “2007 1st International Fashenzhai Invitational Exhibition”, Shanghai, China 
  • Exlibris “Peony in the Courtyard” (#116) selected in “2ndInternational Exlibris Competition”, Ankara, Turkey
  • 3 exlibris works “Peony in the Courtyard” (#116),  “Black Manner” (#115) and “Snail as Antidote” (#113) selected in the “XXI Miedzynarodowe Biennale Ekslibrisu Wspotczesnego”, Malbork, Poland
  • Oil painting “Floral III” exhibited in Guangzhou and Hong Kong by invitation at the “1st South China (Guargzhou-Hong Kong) Small Oil Painting Exhibition”, co-organised by Guangzhou Oil Painting Art Union and Union of Hong Kong Artists    
  • Exlibris “Peony in the Courtyard” (#116) won the first honour award in the “8th Shenzhen China Cross-strait Exlibris Roving Exhibition & Competition”, China  
  • Etching print “Tranquil Earth” and “Botanical Garden” selected in the “Iosif Iser International Engraving Biennial Exhibition”, Romania 
  • Etching print “Tranquil Earth” won the grand Prize of the Municipality of Ploiesti in Romania
  • Etching print “Courtyard I & II” and exlibris “Snuff Bottle I ” (#121) selected in the “12nd Int. Biennial of Small Graphics and Exlibris”, Ostrơw Wielkopolski, Poland
  • Etching print “Courtyard II” won the Nomination Prize in the “12nd Int. Biennial of Small Graphics and Exlibris”, Ostrơw Wielkopolski, Poland
  • Exlibris “Peony in the Courtyard” (#116) selected in the “20thAnniversary Cobaez  Exlibris Competition”, Mexico  





























  • Invited by Taipei County Government and Taiwan Exlibris Association to deliver a 2-day workshop on etching techniques in Taipei, Taiwan
  • The only Hong Kong artist invited to participate in the “Year of the Rat 2008” exlibris design, with exhibition in Tainan City Cultural Centre, Taiwan
  • The book “Etching Techniques & the Art of Exlibris” published by the Artist Publisher, Taiwan
  • Invited to participate in “The 14th Taipei County Art Festival and International Exlibris Exhibition 2008” and to launch the new book at the grand prize presentation ceremony 
  • Two exlibris Lady Fishermen in Tainan” (#147) and “Olympic Equestrian Event in Hong Kong” (#148) awarded Master Nomination Prizes in the 2nd International Invitation Exhibition by the Shanghai Fuxianzhai
  • Exlibris “Bicycle” (#150) awarded the Nomination Prize in the 32nd FISAE Congress, Beijing; and also selected in the 4th International Exlibris Competition A.I.E. Bodio Lomnago Lilbrary, titled “The Bicycle” (La Bicicletta)
  • Two exlibris (#92 and #93) from the exlibris album “HUNG OI YEE MALOU Exlibris Album 2002” selected in the Food and Wine Section in the Concorso Internazionale ExLibristico “Il Bosco Stregato”, Italy and the exlibris (#93) awarded the third prize 
  • Two prints “Hunter and Dog I and II” selected in 1. Uluslararasi Baskiresim Bienali in Turkey
  • Etching print “Tranquil Earth” was selected in the Taiwan annual year book on global Chinese artists, Taiwan, on roving exhibition in different places in Taiwan together with another etching print “Follow Suit” 
  • Published two volumes of 20 exlibris on Flowers
  • Invited to the 2008 Shanghai International Exlibris Invitation Exhibition and won the Silver Award
  • Exlibris “Panda Snuff Bottle” (#125), “Life in Tainan” (#145) and “Olympic Equestrian Event in Hong Kong” (#148) selected in Premio Santa Croge Piccola Grafica, Italy





















  • Again invited to participate in the “Year of the Ox 2009” exlibris design, Taiwan
  • 4 exlibris works “Life in Tainan” (#145),  “Lady Fisherman in Tainan” (#147) and a suite of “Splendid Slippers” (#117 - #120) selected in the “XXII International Exhibition of Modern Exlibris”, Malbork, Poland
  • “Tranquil Earth” was classified and selected in the III International Printmaking Exhibition, Istanbul, in 2009
  • Four exlibris “Girl and Dog” (#162) “Sampan in Lotus” (#160) “Suicide of the concubine” (#158) “WANG, Zhaojun” (#164) awarded Master Honour Prize in the 3rd International Invitation Exhibition by the Shanghai Fuxianzhai
  • Lion Dance in Tainan” (#146) and “Olympic Equestrian Event in Hong Kong” (#148) won the Gold Prize in the 2009 Lujiazui Mei Yuan Cup Shanghai International Exlibris Invitation Exhibition 
  • Four exlibris “Lion Dance in Tainan” (#146), “Lady Fisherman in Tainan” (#147), “Beijing Olympics”(#149) and “Bicycle” (#150) were selected in the 13 International Biennial of Small Graphic Forms and Exlibris Ostrów Wielkopolski, and “Lion Dance in Tainan” (#146) won the nomination prize. 
  • Exlibris “WANG, Zhaojun” (#164) was awarded the Medal Prize in the XVI Vilnius’ Biennial of Exlibris, Lithuania.
  • Etching prints “Country Hut I”, “Country Hut II” and “Follow Suit” selected in the Taiwan annual year book on global Chinese artists “Hua Biao 2008”, and the etching print Country Hut I” was on roving exhibitions in different places in Taiwan
  • Exlibris “Olympic Equestrian Event in Hong Kong” (#148) won Mention Award in 1st International Competition, Serbia
  • 3 exlibris (#147, #145 and #125) won the Honorable Mention in exlibris competition in Pushcha, Belarus



























  • Again invited to participate in the “Year of the Tiger 2010” exlibris design, Taiwan
  • 5 etching prints awarded the Honorable Mentions in the I Mini Print International in Kyiv, Ukraine 
  • Exlibris “Sampan in Lotus” (#160) selected in 33rd FISAE Congress in Istanbul, Turkey
  • Exlibris “Suicide of the concubine” (#158) included in the section on master artists in exlibris, “The 16th Taipei County Art Festival and International Exlibris Exhibition 2010”
  • In the 1st Guangzhou International Exlibris and Mini-prints Biennale Exhibition, China, two works “Ancient Cloth Shop” (#165) and etching print “Tuen Tuen and Yuen Yuen” were both selected and exhibited.  Exlibris “Ancient Cloth Shop” also won the Excellent Exlibris Award.
  • Exlibris “Ancient cloth shop” (#165) was selected in the VIII Int. Graphic Competition for Exlibris Gliwice 2010
  • Two etching prints “Of Ancient Signification” and “Today’s Moon of Ancient Signification” selected in the Taiwan annual year book on global Chinese artists “Hua Biao 2009”.
  • Exlibris “Beijing Olympics”(#149), “Instant Success” (#174) and “Blue and White Vase II” selected in the Festival of China 2010 Taiyuan Businessmen Culture & Art International Intaglio (Printmaking) Artworks & Bookplate Artworks
  • Exlibris “Fun with kite flying!” (#166), “Sampan in Guilin” (#159) and “Farewell my concubine!” (#157) selected in Lujiazui Mei Yuan Cup Shanghai International Exlibris Invitation Exhibition
  • Exlibris “The Lady” (#163) awarded the Gold Prize in the 2010 exlibris competition by the Nippon Exlibris Association, Japan
  • Two etching prints “Rose and Water” and “The Beauty of Vine on Dead Tree” selected in the Portugal edited renowned catalogue “5a Bienal Internacional de Gravura do Douro”.
  • Etching print “Blue and White Vase” and exlibris “The Lady”(#163) awarded Honourable Mentions in the 13th National Exlibris & Mini Prints Exhibition and World Famous Exlibris Artists Invitational Exhibition, Beijing, China



  • Three exlibris “The Lady” (#163), “Ancient cloth shop” (#165) and “A child's first birthday” (#169) awarded Medals of Honour and Diploma at the 23rd International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Exlibris, Poland
  • Etching print “Tuen Tuen & Yuan Yuan” won the 1st prize in the category of print in the “Global Chinese Artists Creation Contest” by the Taiwan based Global Chinese Art Creation Association
  • Exlibris “Farewell my concubine!” (#157) was awarded a Medal in the “14th Int. Biennial of Small Graphics Forms and Exlibris”, Ostrơw Wielkopolski, Poland, among 1,674 entries by 443 artists from 46 countries
  • Exlibris “The Prince's Lodge” (#170) was awarded a diploma in the “XVII Vilnius’ Biennial Exlibris”, Lithuania
  • Etching print “Tuen Tuen & Yuan Yuan” won Honour Diploma in the 9th “Iosif Iser” Int Biennial of Contempory Engraving, Romania
  • Etching prints “Tuen Tuen & Yuan Yuan”, “Blue & White Vase II” and “Deep in the Woods” selected in the Taiwan annual year book on global Chinese artists “Hua Biao 2010”, and were on roving exhibitions in different places in Taiwan
  • Again invited to participate in the “Year of the Dragon 2011” exlibris design, Taiwan



  • Invited to participate in the “Chinese Impressions: Contemporary Exlibris Prints”, 6 exlibris (#175 “A family meal in the courtyard”, # 176 “Family joy at harvest time”, #174 “Instant Success”, #162 “Girl and Dog”, #179 “Qingyi in Peking Opera”, and #182 “Along the River During the Qingming Festival”) were exhibited in Shanghai and Washington, DC 
  • Exlibris “Family joy at harvest time” (#176) won the Honorable Mention in FISAE Congress, Naantali Finland 
  • Five exlibris were invited to join the 50th Anniversary of Heilongjiang Provincial Museum Commemorative Exhibition
  • Exlibris “Instant Success” (#174) was selected in Muzeum Narodowe We Wroclawin, Poland
  • Exlibris “First Japan-US Negotiation” (#178) was selected in the IX International Graphic Competition for Exlibris Gliwice, Poland
  • First Japan-US Negotiation” (#178), “Turkish Favours” (#180) and “First Japan-US Encounter (#181) won the Bronze Prize in the Lujiazui Mei Yuan Cup Shanghai International Exlibris Invitation Exhibition 
  • Exlibris “Jiufen Tea House” (#172) selected in the final selection in the VIII Exlibris Int. Competition – Ruse of Bulgaria
  • Invited to join the China Shan Wei National Exlibris Exhibition with all 3 exlibris “Bicycle” (#150), “Accordion” (#167) and “Serpent” (#168) selected
  • Exlibris “A child's first birthday” (#169), “Ancient cloth shop” (#165) and “Ancient silk shop” (#184) selected in the “Premio exlibris, piccolo grafica”, Italy











  • Three exlibris “First Japan-US Encounter” (#181), “At leisure in the Garden” (#185) and “Qilin” (#183) awarded Medals of Honour and Diploma at the 24th International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Exlibris, Poland
  • Three etching prints “Hunter & Dog I”, “Hunter & Dog II” and “Hong Kong Scenery II” selected in the Taiwan annual year book on global Chinese artists “Hua Biao 2011”
  • Qilin” (#183), “Ancient silk shop” (#184) and “At leisure in the Garden ” (#185) won the Bronze Prize in the Lujiazui Mei Yuan Cup Shanghai International Exlibris Invitation Exhibition
  • Exlibris Ancient silk shop” (#184) was selected in the “XVIII Vilnius’ Biennial Exlibris”, Lithuania
  • Etching print “Stillleben I” selected in the “Iosif Iser International Engraving Biennial Exhibition”, Romania 
  • 2 exlibris “First Japan-US Encounter” and “Along the River During the Qingming Festival” (#181 and #182) awarded Nomination Prize in the 2nd International Biennale Exhibition-Competition of Small Graphic Forms and Exlibris, Belarus among 135 artists from 33 countries 
  • 4 Ex libris from the “Jiufen” series (#170 - #173) selected in the exhibition by the Vilnius Academy of Art, Lithuania 



  • 4 exlibris from the “Jiufan” series (#170 - #173) won the Honorable Mention in FISAE Congress in Spain
  • Selected in “30 Years of Chinese Exlibris”
  • 4 ex libris “The family room” (#186), “A Hakka Village” (#190) and “At leisure in the Garden” (#185) were selected in the X International Graphic Competition for Exlibris Gliwice, Poland
  • 4 ex libris “Lotus in Suzhou Garden” (#187), “A Chinese Family” (#188), “The Lady II” (#189) and “A Hakka Village” (#190) were selected in the Lujiazui Mei Yuan Cup Shanghai International Exlibris Invitation Exhibition
  • Invited to join the collection of masters by Rightview Art Museum, Beijing
  • 4 ex libris “First Japan-US Encounter” (#181), “Along the River During the Qingming Festival” (#182), “Qilin” (#183) and “Ancient silk shop” (#184) awarded a diploma in the XV Int. Biennial of Small Graphic Forms and Exlibris, Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poland



  • Exlibris works “Furniture” (#193) selected in the “XXV Biennale International Exlibris Exhibition Malbork”, Poland
  • Exlibris “Ancient silk shop” (#184) selected in “International Exlibris Competition Sint – Niklass”, Belgium
  • Etching print “Stillleben I” awarded honorary diploma in the “Iosif Iser International Contemporary Print Biennial Exhibition”, Romania 
  • Exlibris “Isaiah II: Tiger and Deer (#72selected in “V Miedzynarodowa Wystawa Ekslibrisow Prodroz do ogrodow wyobraznl in Olesnica”, Poland



  • 4 exlibris [The Lady II] (#189) [Sampan in Lotus] (#160) [First Japan-US Negotiation](#178) and [A Hakka Village](#190) awarded honorary diploma and become permanent collection of Jinling Library, China
  • Exlibris “At leisure in the Garden (#185selected in “V Miedzynarodowa Wystawa Ekslibrisow Prodroz do ogrodow wyobraznl in Olesnica”, Poland



  • Etching print “Hunter and Dog I” selected in the Grafica ed Ex Libris Omaggio ad Emilio Mantelli competition
  • Exlibris “Mirror Lake” (#197) selected in the 26th Malbork Exlibris Competition, Poland 
  • Exlibris “Ancient silk shop” (#184) selected in “Kunstretreat Enter into Art” international exlibris competition, Germany
  • Exlibris “Turkish Flavours” (#180) awarded in “VI miedzynarodowa wystawa ekslibrisow i grafiki Rok czeski” international exlibris competition, Poland; and official postcards printed from the exlibris



  • Invited to join the exlibris event co-organized by the contemporary Chinese masters of prints and the Jinling Library (a.k.a. Nanjing Municipal Library).  All 17 exlibris accepted and printed in the official catalogue and 8 permanently collected by the co-organizers
  • Ex libris “Spring time blossom” (#201) selected in the 37th FISAE 
    Congress in Prague 
  • Ex libris “Snuff Bottle I” (#121) awarded Certificate of Honor in the 4th international meeting by A.I.E. with Bodio Lomnago and SIEAC China
  • #161 #186 #188 invited to participate in the 6th edition of Comune Di Santa Croce Sull’Arno, Italy



  • Exlibris #191 Backshop of Silk Shop was selected in the 58thInternational Bursa Festival, Turkey
  • Exlibris #199 Ice-capped mountains was awarded the Nomination Prize in the 17th Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poland



  • Ex libris “Qingyi in Peking Opera” (#179) was selected by a Polish poet in his book on the subject of the beauties of woman.  He composed a Polish poem for every art piece.

Works Collected by Museums


  • Etching print“Follow Suit” collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong (1989)
  • Etching prints “Autumn Village Road” and “Follow Suit” collected by Heilongjiang Provincial Museum of Art, China (1991)
  • Two ex libris “Bird VII and VIII” (#27 and #28) collected permanently by Chinese Printmaking Ex Libris Committee, China (1994)
  • A set of four etching prints “Hong Kong Scenery I to IV” collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum (1999)
  • Personal exhibition of 95 ex libris in world largest ex libris museum, Frederikshavn Art Museum in Demark, and all exlibris acquired and collected by the Museum (2007)




  • Ex libris exhibited in Oriental Ex libris section in Slovenia (1992)
  • 15 ex libris exhibited together with other artists from 23 countries at Galerie Art im Treipen Haus, Germany (2004)
  • Ex-libris “Snail as antidote” (#113) exhibited in the “Instituto Zacatecano de Cultura Ramón López Velarde” and other significant places, Mexico (2006)
  • Personal exhibition of 95 ex libris in the world’s largest ex libris museum, Frederikshavn Art Museum, with a book published in Danish, English and German by Mr Claus Wittal of Ex libris-Antikvariat Denmark (2007)
  • The only Hong Kong artist invited to participate in the Taiwan “Year of the Pig 2007” design, exhibition in Tainan City Cultural Centre, Taiwan (2007)
  • Oil painting “Floral III” exhibited in Guangzhou and Hong Kong by invitation at the “1st South China (Guargzhou-Hong Kong) Small Oil Painting Exhibition” (2007)
  • Etching print “Tranquil Earth” on roving exhibition in different places in Taiwan together with another etching print “Follow Suit” (2008)
  • Etching print “Country Hut I” on roving exhibitions in different places in Taiwan (2009) 
  • Two works “Ancient Cloth Shop” (#165) and etching print “Tuen Tuen and Yuen Yuen” at the 1st Guangzhou International Exlibris and Mini-prints Biennale Exhibition, China (2009)
  • Etching prints “Tuen Tuen & Yuan Yuan”, “Blue & White Vase II” and “Deep in the Woods” on roving exhibitions in different places in Taiwan (2010)
  • Invited to participate in the “Chinese Impressions: Contemporary Ex Libris Prints”, 6 exlibris were exhibited in Shanghai and Washington, DC in 2012
  • Five exlibris invited to join the 50th Anniversary of Heilongjiang Provincial Museum Commemorative Exhibition in 2012
  • 30 exlibris, together with 50 exlibris from Hong Kong collector, Mr Edward Wong, invited to join the 22nd New Taipei City International Exlibris Exhibition (2016)
  • 132 exlibris exhibited in Guangcheng Art Museum, China (2017)


Exlibris Albums


  • First album (1991)
  • Second album (1992)
  • Third album (1992)
  • Fourth album “Ex libris of Classic Flower” (1994)
  • “HUNG OI YEE MALOU Exlibris Album 2002”
  • A set of two volumes on 20 Exlibris on Flowers (2008)
  • HUNG OI YEE MALOU Exlibris Album (2012)




A book titled “Etching Techniques & the Art of Ex libris” published by the Artist Publisher, Taiwan (2008)




  • Invited by Chimei Cultural Fund Foundation and Taiwan Ex libris Association to deliver a 2-day demonstration on etching techniques in Taiwan (2007)
  • Invited by Taipei County Government and Taiwan Ex libris Association to deliver a 2-day workshop on etching techniques in Taipei, Taiwan (2008)
  • Invited by Guangcheng Art Museum, China to demonstrate printing techniques of etching (2017)
  • Invited by the Hong Kong Baptist University to demonstrate printing techniques of etching (2017)





  • Etching print “Autumn Village Road” awarded Special Prize in4th National Printmaking Exhibition, China










  • Ex libris “Owner, Dogs and Castle” (#77) awarded the Silver Prize in the “10th National Exlibris Competition & Exhibition”, China
  • Ex libris “Isaiah III” (#69) awarded the Sponsor’s Prize at “International Ex libris Center Sofia”, Bulgaria
  • Ex libris “Dragon Kite” (#102), “Paper Window I” (#99) and “Fun of Study” (#80) awarded Medal and Honored Prize in the “5th International Ex libris Graphic Contest” Poland





  • Ex libris “Tanjithe Last Woman of Shang Dynasty” (#114), won the 14th place and awarded honourable status in the “Int. Competition of the 4th Triennial in Haviřov, Gallant and Erotic Works Czech





  • Ex-libris “Snail as antidote” (#113) awarded a diploma in the 5th International/Bienal of Mexico
  • “Ex libris Gubernijain 2005” (#112) awarded a diploma in Liuben Karavelov, Bulgaria
  • Ex libris “Black Manner” (#115) received the Honorary Award in “75 Anniversary of Modern Chinese Printmaking & 70thAnniversary of Lu Hsun”, China













  • Ex libris “Snuff Bottles I and II” (#121 and #122) awarded the First Level Award by unanimous decision of jury at the “12thNational Ex libris Exhibition”, China
  • Ex libris “The Great Wall” (#126) awarded the Memorial Prize at the “2007 1st International Fashenzhai Invitational Exhibition”, Shanghai, China 
  • Ex libris “Peony in the Courtyard” (#116) won the first honour award in the “8th Shenzhen China Cross-strait Ex libris Roving Exhibition & Competition”, China  
  • Etching print “Tranquil Earth” won the Grand Prize of the Municipality of Ploiesti in Romania
  • Etching print “Courtyard II” won the Nomination Prize in the “12nd Int. Biennial of Small Graphics and Exlibris”, Ostrơw Wielkopolski, Poland











  • Two ex libris “Lady Fishermen in Tainan” (#147) and “Olympic Equestrian Event in Hong Kong” (#148) awarded Master Nomination Prizes in the 2nd International Invitation Exhibition by the Shanghai Fuxianzhai 
  • Ex libris Bicycle” (#150) awarded the Nomination Prize in the 32nd FISAE Congress, Beijing
  • Ex libris (#93) from the ex libris album “HUNG OI YEE MALOU Ex libris Album 2002” awarded the third prize in the Food and Wine Section in the Concorso Internazionale ExLibristico “Il Bosco Stregato”, Italy 
  • Silver Award at the Shanghai International Exlibris Invitation Exhibition 







  • Four ex libris “Girl and Dog” (#162) “Sampan in Lotus” (#160) “Suicide of the concubine” (#158) “WANG, Zhaojun” (#164) awarded Master Honour Prize in the 3rd International Invitation Exhibition by the Shanghai Fuxianzhai
  • Lion Dance in Tainan” (#146) and “Olympic Equestrian Event in Hong Kong” (#148) won the Gold Prize in the 2009 Lujiazui Mei Yuan Cup Shanghai International Exlibris Invitation Exhibition 
  • Ex libris “Lion Dance in Tainan” (#146) won the nomination prize in the 13 International Biennial of Small Graphic Forms and Ex libris Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland 
  • Ex libris “WANG, Zhaojun” (#164) was awarded the Medal Prize in the XVI Vilnius’ Biennial of Ex libris, Lithuania
  • Exlibris “Olympic Equestrian Event in Hong Kong” (#148) won Mention Award in 1st International Competition, Serbia
  • 3 Ex libris (#147, #145 and #125) won the Honorable Mention in exlibris competition in Pushcha, Belarus







  • 5 etching prints awarded the Honorable Mentions in the I Mini Print International in Kyiv, Ukraine 
  • Exlibris “Ancient Cloth Shop” won the Excellent Exlibris Award in the 1st Guangzhou International Exlibris and Mini-prints Biennale Exhibition, China
  • Ex libris “The Lady” (#163) awarded the Gold Prize in the 2010 exlibris competition by the Nippon Exlibris Association, Japan
  • Etching print “Blue and White Vase” and ex libris “The Lady”(#163) awarded Honourable Mentions in the 13th National Exlibris & Mini Prints Exhibition and World Famous Exlibris Artists Invitational Exhibition, Beijing, China



  • Three exlibris “The Lady” (#163), “Ancient cloth shop” (#165) and “A child's first birthday” (#169) awarded Medals of Honour and Diploma at the 23rd International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Exlibris, Poland
  • Etching print “Tuen Tuen & Yuan Yuan” won the 1st prize in the category of print in the “Global Chinese Artists Creation Contest” by the Taiwan based Global Chinese Art Creation Association
  • Exlibris “Farewell my concubine!” (#157) was awarded a Medal in the “14th Int. Biennial of Small Graphics Forms and Exlibris”, Ostrơw Wielkopolski, Poland
  • Exlibris “The Prince's Lodge” (#170) was awarded a diploma in the “XVIIth Vilnius’ Biennial Exlibris”, Lithuania
  • Etching print “Tuen Tuen & Yuan Yuan” won Honour Diploma in the 9th “Iosif Iser” Int Biennial of Contempory Engraving, Romania



  • Ex libris “Family joy at harvest time” (#176) won the Honorable Mention in FISAE Congress, Naantali Finland 
  • First Japan-US Negotiation” (#178), “Turkish Favours” (#180) and “First Japan-US Encounter (#181) won the Bronze Prize in the 2012 Lujiazui Mei Yuan Cup Shanghai International Exlibris Invitation Exhibition 
  • Invited to participate in the “Chinese Impressions: Contemporary Exlibris Prints”, 6 exlibris (#175 “A family meal in the courtyard”, # 176 “Family joy at harvest time”, #174 “Instant Success”, #162 “Girl and Dog”, #179 “Qingyi in Peking Opera”, and #182 “Along the River During the Qingming Festival”) were exhibited in Shanghai and Washington, DC 



  • Three exlibris “First Japan-US Encounter” (#181), “At leisure in the Garden” (#185) and “Qilin” (#183) won Medals of Honour and Diploma at the 24th International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Exlibris, Poland
  • Qilin” (#183), “Ancient silk shop” (#184) and “At leisure in the Garden ” (#185) won the Bronze Prize in the Lujiazui Mei Yuan Cup Shanghai International Exlibris Invitation Exhibition
  • 2 ex libris “First Japan-US Encounter” and “Along the River During the Qingming Festival” (#181 and #182) awarded Nomination Prize in the 2nd International Biennale Exhibition-Competition of Small Graphic Forms and Ex-libris, Belarus among 135 artists from 33 countries



  • 4 ex libris from the “Jiufan” series (#170 - #173) won the Honorable Mention in FISAE Congress in Spain 
  • 4 ex libris “First Japan-US Encounter” (#181), “Along the River During the Qingming Festival” (#182), “Qilin” (#183) and “Ancient silk shop” (#184) awarded a diploma in the XV Int. Biennial of Small Graphic Forms and Exlibris, Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poland



  • Etching print “Stillleben I” awarded honorary diploma in the “Iosif Iser International Contemporary Print Biennial Exhibition”, Romania
  • 4 exlibris [The Lady II] (#189) [Sampan in Lotus] (#160) [First Japan-US Negotiation](#178) and [A Hakka Village](#190) awarded honorary diploma and become permanent collection of Jinling Library, China



  • 4 exlibris [The Lady II] (#189) [Sampan in Lotus] (#160) [First Japan-US Negotiation](#178) and [A Hakka Village](#190) awarded honorary diploma



  • Exlibris “Turkish Flavours” (#180) awarded in “VI miedzynarodowa wystawa ekslibrisow i grafiki Rok czeski” international exlibris competition, Poland; and official postcards printed from the exlibris



  • Ex libris “Snuff Bottle I” (#121) awarded Certificate of Honor in the 4th international meeting by A.I.E. with Bodio Lomnago and SIEAC China


  • Exlibris #199 Ice-capped mountains was awarded the Nomination Prize in the 17th Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poland